Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Q&A Video?

For a long time now, I've been wanting to film and upload a video to my you-tube channel, about me and my difficulty swallowing. 
However, when i try to do this, i am finding it hard and stressful. 

Having had dysphagia for over 2 years now, there is too much i could say and i'm not sure what to share and what to leave out.

I decided i'll leave it up to you guys! After all, you are my support so you should get a say in what you want to hear about. 
In saying that, first of all - would you like to see a Q&A video from me? and if so - what questions do you have for me? 
Leave your thoughts in the comment section for this post and feel free to share with those you think will be interested.  

If i do start getting questions, i'll start planning for a video and will wait until i think i have enough questions to make the video. 
I'll make sure to check in with you guys about this as this goes along. 

In terms of the questions, it doesn't just have to be about how dysphagia affects me physically, i am open about how this all makes me feel as well. 
Keep in mind, eating is life, so it can affect a heap of things. 

I'm sure some of you will have questions for me that i never thought to ask myself anyway. :-) 

I look forward to hearing from you and working on this ''project,''

Thank you for joining me. 
Love and Light.
-Karly xo 


  1. A wonderful idea, Karly and I think it's important that you get out there and ease your way into talking about your illness and how it affects you emotionally and mentally. There are a lot of young people out there, predominately females, but there are males that struggle as well with eating disorders and anxieties related to such.

    I think it would be good to know how you felt when you first started experiencing your illness and maybe let folks know how you feel now. Are you a little more confident in your assessments of how you feel? Does this become something that increases anxiety and how are you handling it?

    I hope you get some questions here... It might be a really good place to start. xx

    1. Hi Jaisen, thanks for your question. I have noted it down. I have shared this blog post in a few Facebook support groups and have gotten questions there which is great. xo
